motorboats, made in Ukraine, have been purchased

₴11 439 480,00


In summer, ЗMIN Foundation invested in the production of 30 boats for the Defense Forces. All watercrafts are already working in different units at the front – in 123rd Territorial Defense Brigade, 126th Territorial Defense Brigade, 144th Fire Support Center, SBU unit, GUR MO.

Later, together with Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation, we developed a joint campaign “Buy a Boat”. Informational campaign is directed at the Ukrainian businesses, inviting them to join and multiply the results, so that our defenders can work freely in river deltas and bays, force water obstacles and accurately deliver “bavovna” to the enemy.

In total, 36 motor boats, made in Ukraine, have been purchased and handed over to the servicemen, thanks to the cooperation of Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation, ЗMIN Foundation and 11 responsible businesses.

→ 30 boats invested by ЗMIN

→ 6 boats produced thanks to support from 11 organizations.

The fundraising is ongoing. You can donate on Serhiy Prytula Foundation webpage, at “Military transport” section