Combat Mammoth FPV UAV


 FPV drones purchased for the Defense Forces

₴ 9 000 000+


Drones, made by Escadrone project, are now actively and efficiently used by various units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

Mammoth UAV, made by the Ukrainian company Escadrone, belong to a new generation of combat 10-inch FPV drones.

At the end of October, the manufacturer claimed these drones are the future of their company.

The new drone can carry up to 4 kg of payload, which is twice as much compared to the current serial models on the market. The drone can cover 12 kilometers with such a warhead. However, with a smaller warhead of 1,5 kg, the maximum distance increases to 30 km.

The high performance of the drone is provided by its larger size and engines power.

Combat drones continue to be highly important weapons at the front.