Joint Engagement Campaigns

₴ 5 849 470


Interaction with other funds, institutions and effective teams is a certain symbolic demonstration that we should not act separately. Intersections between institutions are built at different levels: through joint procurement campaigns, cooperation in empowering partner organizations, investments in certain low-articulated areas, the opportunity to share expertise and be on public platforms together. We can see the impact and proper effects from such lasting ties.

  • Serhii Prytula Charitable Foundation and Conversion of CSV

Within the project “Conversion Of Vehicles For Command And Staff Vehicles,” the Serhii Prytula Foundation purchases materials and equipment, as well as pays for the services of the production team engaged in the conversion of military transport. The ЗМІН supports this activity with a regular monthly contribution.

  • Leleka Foundation and the Activity to provide health professionals with EW systems

Supporting the procurement of electronic protection systems for medical evacuation of the wounded to be further transferred to the medics of the Defense Forces of Ukraine currently posted on the contact line with the army of the aggressor state. One such complex consists of three multifrequency dome signal amplifiers and three converters. The ЗМІН invested into six such kits.

  • Joint engagement campaigns with the Inso Lviv team

Since February 2022, ЗМІН has worked closely with Inso Lviv in supporting the army. We cooperate in fundraising campaigns for vehicle, provide medical support, EW and REW systems.

  • UA First Aid, Tactical Medicine

Provision of medical suplies to 15 mobile border detachment through the purchase of medicines and tactical medicine.

  • Unbroken and Superhumans Rehabilitation Centers

Short-term focal support for the centers’ programs.

✔Command vehicles, Prytula Foundation
✔EW for medics, Leleka
✔Inso EW Systems
✔ Doubling Campaign, Inso
✔ UA First Aid, Medicine
✔Unbroken and Superhumans